Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how your personal info is collected, used and shared throughout the Modworld systems, websites, games, applications, and technologies, the rights you have and how you exercise them, and how protecting your privacy is a shared responsibility between you and Kyle.Ventures Inc the owner of Modworld. Your personal info is any data that can be related to you with certainty. We aim to protect your personal info from unauthorized access.


Categories of the personal info we collect.


Categories of the sources of personal info we collect.


Our commercial purposes for collecting personal info.

Modworld uses personal info to power our services that offer advanced system diagnostics, development insights, marketing analytics, infer and save preferences for personalization of play and advertisements, to process your transactions, to communicate with you, to enable monetization through ads and content attribution, to allow you to communicate with other people, for security and fraud prevention, and to comply with law.


Categories of the personal info we disclose.


Personal info collected, disclosed, or sold.

You have the right to request we disclose what personal info we collect, use, disclose, and sell. You may request we provide you with your specific info.

To exercise your Right to Know, send an email to our Data Protection Officer requesting a verifiable Right to Know, along with the info listed in the General Verification Process


Erase your personal info.

You have a right to request deletions of your personal info we have collected.

To exercise your Right to Request Deletion, send an email to our Data Protection Officer requesting a verifiable Delete, along with the info listed in the General Verification Process


Stop the sale of your personal info.

We do not sell personal info so there is nothing to opt-out of. Nor do we have actual knowledge of any sale of personal info of minors under 16 years of age.


Your right to privacy must be non-discriminatory.

You have a right not to receive discriminatory treatment by us for exercising your privacy rights.

However, if you refuse to provide your personal info or ask to delete your personal info, and that personal info is necessary for us to provide you with goods or services, we may not be able to provide what your asking for.


Who can make requests on your behalf.

If you are a California consumer and would like to exercise your privacy rights via an agent, send an email to our Data Protection Officer along with the info listed in the General Verification Process


Our process for privacy rights requests.

1. You email our DPO asking for a right to be exercised along with as many of the following piece of info as possible; the first date and or dates you used any Modworld services, the values of any cookies your browser is storing under the domain, your public IP address, and or your Modworld ID. Do not send your password.

2. Our DPO acknowledges your email and begins to use the info you sent to verify your request. If you requested specific personal info the verification process will require 3 or more data points to prove you are the owner with a very high degree of certainty.

3. Next our DPO will email you back your requested info, a request for more details; if required to verify your request, or a reason for rejecting your request.

In some situations we cannot grant your request such as, deleting transaction data we are legally obligated to keep, to undermine our legitimate use of data for anti-fraud and security purposes, unproven data ownership, jeopardizing the privacy of others, for frivolous purpose, or situations that are extremely impractical.


A shared responsibility.

Protecting your personal info is a shared responsibility; you try to protect your credentials such as passwords, keys, and ephemerals and we try to ensure info is not accessed inappropriately by malicious parties.

We can make no guarantee about the security of your info in the system and require you never submit any personal info you feel is private or sensitive such as social security numbers, etc.

We attempt to allow secure control your personal info with a schema similar to the following:

1) You are assigned a unique Modworld ID and are able to associate credentials such as a passwords with it.

2) We attempt to link all of your personal info with your Modworld ID automatically.

3) Control of your personal info is only allowed if credentials matching those associated with your Modworld ID have been provided at the time of the request for control.

Whomever provides the associated credentials with your Modworld ID will be allowed to read and write various bits of your personal info. For a complete history and or erasure additional verification may be required.

If you fail to provide the associated credentials there is no way other than contacting us to modify any of your personal info. Understand, if you do contact us we will attempt to have you prove you are the correct owner of the info and if at our sole discretion we are unable satisfy this requirement you will not be able to take control of it.

We strongly suggest providing an email address and phone number for Modworld ID recovery and credential resets.

Modworld makes use of geo location info but we make no attempts at concealing or removing this info if you, your network or your device provide it directly or we obtain it through deductive means.


What your create and do is shared.

Modworld can be social and multi-player and all the actions you take are recorded and stored both on private and public network servers and synced to other player's devices.

The system is designed to allow you to limit the people you play with and thus share this info with. However, we make no guarantees that this info is secure from malicious third parties view. If you are not comfortable with your info leaking out to the internet then don’t play Modworld.

Furthermore you are granting us a license to your content; see Terms of Use. We may act upon this and use your posted content in but not limited to marketing martial or future services.

Some of our services are based on video sharing that may capture you not knowing answers to simple questions. This info will be easily republished by other players to outside networks such as Facebook, Twitter etc. Moreover, all of the recordings and results would not be hard to gather and publish. If you feel uncomfortable about this please do not use Modworld.


How we track website visitors.

Like most websites, we use cookies to collect additional website usage data.

A cookie is a small data file that is transferred to your computer's hard disk and then later sent back to us.

We may use both session cookies and persistent cookies to better understand how you interact with our services, to monitor usage of our players, and to customize and improve our services.

Most Internet browsers automatically accept cookies. If you do not want cookies from us or other websites, you can instruct your browser to stop accepting cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie from the websites you visit.

Modworld does not respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals.


Transfer between countries.

Modworld connects you internationally. To make that possible, your personal info may be transferred to or accessed by entities outside of your country.

If you do not reside in the US, your personal info may be processed by Kyle.Ventures on behalf of the entity controlling personal info for your jurisdiction.

International transfer of personal info collected in the EU, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland is governed by Standard Contractual Clauses. International transfer of personal data collected in participating (APEC) countries relies on (CBPR) and (PRP) for the transfer of personal info.


Last Updated 2021-01-24, Effective 2021-01-24

We may periodically update this Privacy Policy by posting a new version. If we make any material changes, we will notify you as required under applicable law by posting a notice prior to the change becoming effective.


Contact our Data Protection Officer.

Please direct questions, concerns, and privacy requests to our Data Protection Officer via or Attention: Modworld DPO 6169 Arabian Pl Camarillo, CA 93012.